Paper format: 2.0 spacing; 1″ margins; page numbers; name/title/date in MLA form

Paper format: 2.0 spacing; 1″ margins; page numbers; name/title/date in MLA format
Person: This paper should be written in the first person (DO use “I.”)
Citations: in-text citations and Works Cited in MLA format
Length: 1500+ words (works cited/bibliography does not count toward word count)
Sources: 5 outside sources (at least 2 sources must come from the GSU’s library databases).
Submission Directions
1. Attach the actual Essay 3 to this assignment.
2. Submit Essay 3 to your GSU e-Portfolio. Make sure you have set your account Privacy Settings to allow all people to view your profile.
3. Copy and paste the link to your e-Portfolio in the “notes” section of the assignment. You can find the link to your e-portfolio under the Invite option (below Settings) of your account.
Before You Submit
1. Check Essay 3 directions, student example essays, and the essay rubric one last time.
2. Format your paper according to the MLA citations format.
3. Your Paper must go through peer editing. If you don’t post your rough draft to the peer response discussion, you will not receive credit for the final paper.
You should make a substantial revision to your first draft incorporating the feedback you get from your fellow students.
4. Check for spelling and grammatical errors using
Essay 3 Directions
For your final essay in the course, you will be doing an iSearch paper. The major difference between a regular research paper and an iSearch paper is:
The iSearch assignment requires that you devote time and energy to researching the answer to a question that is specific to you. For this iSearch, you will be investigating how you get “from here to a career!”
This paper is written in the first person (i.e. you use “I”), and it is written in three sections.
The paper is written in 3 sections: Introduction, Research, and Conclusion. Each section must stand on its own, and each section must be at least two full (all-the-way-to-the-bottom) pages in length.
When you are finished, you will combine the sections into one paper.
Please make sure you gather your sources for the Works Cited page as you investigate. Each source must be correctly cited in MLA style WITHOUT annotations or numbers. It must be formatted correctly!!
Start Date
Mar 13, 2022 6:00 AM
Due Date
Apr 24, 2022 11:59 PM
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