one 6-page essay ( Times New Roman 12, double-spaced, including bibliography) o

one 6-page essay ( Times New Roman
12, double-spaced, including bibliography) on some of the works
discussed in class. The paper should include textual analysis of at
least one text, as well as well as comments on, or comparison between
translations of the original texts. The paper should analyze the
original text in its original cultural and historical context, and
discuss its influence on Ango-American literature and culture. The
final paper should be a research paper. In other words, students must
use (and quote) not only the literary texts they are writing about, but
also any relevant critical, theoretical, historical, or biographical
literature. Students have to do their own library and Internet research,
and document all sources using the MLA style. At least six sources
should be listed.
“The Nose” by Nikolai Gogol
“The Bet” by Anton Chekhov
“The Bhagavad Gita” (excerpts)
“The Rubaiyat” by Omar Khayyam (excerpts)
“Flowers of Evil” by Charles Baudelaire (excerpts)
“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot (excerpts)
“Notes from the Underground” by Fyodor Dostoevsky
“The Judgement” by Franz Kafka
“Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse
Short stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Short stories by Jorge Louis Borges
Very short stories by Julio Cortazar
“The Misery and Splendor of Translation” by Jose Ortega y Gasset
Poems by Fernando Pessoa
Poems by Vasko Popa
Poems by Zbigniew Herbert
Poems by Yehuda Amichai
Poems by Mahmoud Darwish
Poems by Wole Soyinka
Haiku poems by Basho, Issa, and Busson

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