Describe two of Malcolm X’s strategies for bettering the lives of African Americ

Describe two of Malcolm X’s strategies for bettering the lives of African Americans.
Pick either his Malcolm X phase or his Malik El-Shabazz phase but you will still read the whole
book because he is describing his life through the lens of what he has learned throughout his life.
Do you agree? Tell me what he thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s strategy and your opinion.
After a brief introduction paragraph, spend two paragraphs explaining two of his
strategies from that same timeframe. That is, two strategies from his Malcolm X period or two
from his Shabazz period. Spend a paragraph on what he said about King. Note that he is trying
not to call out King by name so you will have to figure out what he means. Finally, give me a
paragraph no longer than a page explaining your opinion. If you agree, say a bit about how it
would work today. If you disagree with Malcolm, do you think you would agree if we were
living in 1952? Do you think there was some value in his message? What was it?
Avoid other sources, especially websites; your essay should be about The Autobiography
of Malcolm X. The essay should show that you
understood the book with plenty of specific examples. Do not be vague or use stereotypes about
Malcolm X.

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