Review the Inspire a Shared Vision data summary in your SLPI 360 Individual Feed

Review the Inspire a Shared Vision data summary in your SLPI 360 Individual Feedback Report.
Record your overall score from the Student Leadership Practices Inventory for Inspire a Shared Vision.
Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Inspire a Shared Vision, identify the statement that one of your observers indicated you engage in most frequently. If there is a tie score between two or more behaviors, then indicate the one in which you feel is most accurate.
Identify the leadership behavior statement that your observers felt you engaged in least often. If there is a tie score between two or more behaviors, then indicate the one in which you feel is most accurate.
Identify at least one action that you can practice this week to strengthen your least engaged in leadership behavior. Review the “Take Action” sections of Chapters 3 and 4 (at the very end of the chapters) in The Student Leadership Challenge for suggestions to help you become a better leader. 
Then implement your plan and describe what you did and the outcomes of your actions.

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