Topic: Elaborate on the issue(s) in question B of first report by explaining cau

Topic: Elaborate on the issue(s) in question B of first report by explaining causes and consequences at strategic, administrative and/or operational levels, by suggesting and discussing pros and cons and opportunities and threats or risks of at least two alternative or sequential solutions (e.g. optimistic / pessimistic; strategic / operational; short-term / long-term, etc.). Please base yourself on 3 courses, theories or concepts, and use 5 academic references. Please also benchmark the company by providing at least one comparison.
This is an internship report that needs to be done at the end of the internship. I did my stage in a real estate development company.
Please find attached the first part of the report where you can find the issues that need to be elaborated on in this paper (question B). Please do not copy and paste anything from the first report, however, you can paraphrase.
Please use simple English and ask me any questions you might have, about the company, the role, or myself, in order to make this paper more personal.

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