First, watch this preview clip from a popular movie about the Vietnam War. This scene will lead you up to the clip you will work with. You’ll see that the soldiers are in various mental states before the mission, and their commander doesn’t help matters with his obsession with surfing while in enemy territory!

First, watch this preview clip
from a popular movie about the Vietnam War. This scene will lead you up to the
clip you will work with. You’ll see that the soldiers are in various mental
states before the mission, and their commander doesn’t help matters with his
obsession with surfing while in enemy territory!
Since this film was a period
piece using underscore and period music, you should choose music that predates
1973. This will be your chance to research a broad range of available music. Be
Although the clip you work on
will only lead up to the attack, the peaceful village you see at the end of the
clip does have a serious enemy camp within it. The soldiers in the helicopters
are going after the enemy combatants that are hiding within the village.
Download movie file (MOV)
After doing some research on
songs of the era (and before!), post your number one choice that adheres to the
constraints of being a pre-1973 recorded song as an mp3, or as a YouTube link.
Answer the following questions
in three–five paragraphs or 300 words directly in the text box (do not
attach docs):
What is the name of the song, the
year the recording was released, and the performing artist(s)?
What influenced your choice for
the song?
What other songs or genres did
you consider?
What effect did the music have on
the scene?
the movement of the reels on the tape recorder as a starting point, combine the
song to the movie using the software of your choice and embed the movie in your
post. Ensure that your song is audible on your embedded video (the video tool
only permits one stereo pair of audio!) after you have posted your assignment.
It is well documented what piece of music was used in
the scene you will work on. Please resist the temptation to research what was
used until after you have completed the assignment. Also, please don’t reveal
what music was actually used in any posts you might make on other students’
work. The full clip will be posted later in the course with the scene in its

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