Discuss John Howard Yoder’s critique of nationalism. What is Yoder’s argument? How does Yoder respond to those who dismiss pacifism on grounds that it is unrealistic to expect nations to be a pacifist?

Discuss John Howard Yoder’s critique of nationalism. What is Yoder’s argument? How does Yoder respond to those who dismiss pacifism on grounds that it is unrealistic to expect nations to be a pacifist? 700+ words Here is the link for the reading material. The book is “He Came Preaching Peace” by John Howard Yoder. It is the first chapter titled “The Way of Peace in a World of War” https://www.google.com/books/edition/He_Came_Preaching_Peace/CIJIEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover Let me know if you have any trouble with the link!

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