Your thesis paper takes the form of a scientific review, which essentially argue

Your thesis paper takes the form of a scientific review, which essentially argues your thesis by providing biological, psychological, and social evidence from research. Many of the readings will be scientific reviews, so you should have plenty of good examples. (For example, the first week of readings on the G-spot represents a good subject to research, a good example of a thesis, and provides an example of a commentary.)
Your primary objective when writing is to create the best scientifically-based argument that integrates various perspectives that bolster your argument. You might choose to use one of the frameworks that you read about throughout the class (e.g., biopsychosocial model, dynamical systems, life history), if that helps you create the best argument and synthesis. Your paper should integrate materials learned in class via readings, lectures, and activities (though please do not write where you learned the materials, just add in APA formatted citations). This is also the time to show off your newfound knowledge on the physiological (e.g., bodily), biosocial (e.g., neuroendocrine system – you’ll know what this means in the first week of academic residency), and biobehavioral bases of your topic. If your thesis is relevant to a topic we have not yet touched base on, you are encouraged to read the relevant week’s readings prior to

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