Your selection of Walmart is terrific. Prior to COVID-19, I had the pleasure of meeting the Regional Director for Walmart here in the Carolinas. At that time they were revisiting the five (5) different Walmart footprints and very concerned about Amazon leading to decreased profits.

Your paragraphing helps enhance readability and ensures all components of this discussion are met. Well done!
Your selection of Walmart is terrific. Prior to COVID-19, I had the pleasure of meeting the Regional Director for Walmart here in the Carolinas. At that time they were revisiting the five (5) different Walmart footprints and very concerned about Amazon leading to decreased profits.
Now, Amazon is posting record breaking profits and earnings while maintaining and growing their customer base. While Walmart is struggling, I heard last week one of their local stores was set to close.
QUESTION: if you were the Regional Director for Walmart in the area, what would you do to ensure retention of existing customers and growth of new customers?

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