Your final paper should focus on the role of culture in one of the areas of chil

Your final paper should focus on the role of culture in one of the areas of child development that is being covered in this course (e.g., attachment, peer relationships, parenting) during one developmental period (e.g., infancy/toddlerhood, preschool- age, or middle childhood).
You need to examine an area of development in two different cultures and discuss the similarities and differences in these two cultures (i.e., what may be universal and cultural-specific aspects of development). You need to focus on this area of development in one developmental period (e.g., infancy/toddlerhood, preschool-age, or middle childhood).
You need to justify why this area of development and this developmental stage are important and why cultural variations might be found and important to understand.
Please be specific and clear about what cultural groups you are comparing and what developmental stage you are studying in your final paper.  You should find studies in which the authors specifically focused on comparing the two cultural groups on the same area of development during the developmental stage that you propose to study. Another approach is to find studies that cover one of your cultures and then conduct your own comparison based on your reading and review of the topic across the two cultures you selected.
Attached are just some of the lecture notes. you are not confined to just these.

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