Your assignment is to explain the historical background and continuing issues of

Your assignment is to explain the historical background and continuing issues of the Israel/Palestine conflict using the course concepts, models, and theories. Answer these questions using IR concepts, models, and theories (realism, liberalism, constructivism, and feminism). Make a theoretically informed argument about the most powerful influences on state (and other actors, as relevant) behavior during this event. This argument must answer both questions: Why did this event come about? Why did it unfold as it did?
You NEED to answer these questions. The theory or theories you choose will explain the causes of the event and/or how the event unfolded. Unfolded means how the event developed over time once it began. Make sure all your evidence serves the task of speaking to for or against your answer.
Spend some time in your paper developing the logic of your argument. Spend the most time providing evidence for your argument. Think hard about what kind of evidence will best support your argument. Spend some time discussing the most prominent contending explanations and explain why yours is the most persuasive. Argue clearly, but do not be over-simplistic. Use facts. Avoid assertions. Avoid adjectives and adverb. You will need to do independent research as none of our readings provide enough data to make a convincing argument that answers the above questions.
Please note the following:
Your paper is to be a scholarly analytical research paper which contains a firm thesis or research question and employs systematic argument, evidence, and analysis in support of your thesis. You are not writing an opinion piece and you are not blogging. You are expected to use MLA format for footnotes, or endnotes, and bibliography. Your bibliography should be drawn primarily from scholarly books, journals, articles and chapters, NOT journalistic or non-academic online resources.
You are required to have 3-4 pages double spaced of text and then a bibliography. You are required to quote material from at least five books or academic journals that you found in the library (Clovis library has great resources). Academic journals are defined as those containing at least 10 foot/endnotes per major article.

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