Write a program that will track all the books that an author writes and all the

Write a program that will track all the books that an author writes and all the author associated with some books.
Create the following structures:
author (pointer to a Person)
title (string)
string (numberOfPages)
booksWritten (array of pointers to Books)
string name
Note that because these structures depend on each other you must do the following:
Declare an empty structure called Book. (Use the code: “struct Book;”) Then declare the structures as you normally would.
In main create pointers to  two Persons and four Books. Associate the books with the authors as you see fit. Hardcode all of the values for the Book and Person.
Have the program display each of the Authors’ properties including the information of the Books written by the author.
Ex: The output might look like:
Stephen King
– It, Stephen King, 1024 pages
– The Shinning, Stephen King, 976 pages
– Cujo, Stephen King, 450 pages
J.K Rowling
– Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, 2074 pages
Note: You must still write either a display function or an overloaded << operator for both the Book and the Person. You must also create an initialize function for the Book and the Person. THIS IS MY TEACHERS BANNED LIST (PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OF THESE) All container classes. This includes but is not limited to: Vectors, Arrays (the class), Stacks, Queues, Lists.  If you want one of these then program it yourself. The algorithm library.  I don't care whether someone else knows how to do things. I want to see that you can do it. goto commands.  If you use these, it tells me you don't know how to solve the problem properly. continue , break.  These are goto commands in disguise.  The only exception is that break is part of the syntax for the switch  decision structure.

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