Write a practical proposal offering a solution to one of the following problems:

Write a practical proposal offering a solution to one of the following problems:
The problem of legalizing the sale of human organs.
Outline for Proposal Argument Essay
In your essay, include the following:
Explanation of the problem: Engage the reader’s interest in the problem and explain why it needs to be solved. Show who is affected and what’s at stake (Pathos). Give some background information which can include previous attempts to solve the problem.
State the proposed solution concisely as a thesis statement or claim.
(1) Explanation of the solution: Show how your solution will solve the problem
(2) Evidence in support of the solution: Present support for the proposed solution (only one solution).
(3) Benefits of the solution: Explain the positive results of the proposed solution.
(4) Refutation of opposing arguments: Address objections to your proposed problem/and or proposed solution (no more than two opposing arguments).
(1) Remind reader what’s at stake.
(2) Call reader to action.
(3) End with strong/memorable concluding statement.
Length: 7 pages/MLA style: double spaced and a Works Cited page.

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