With particular attention to the articles by Delores Aldridge, Beverly Guy-Sheft

With particular attention to the articles by Delores Aldridge, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Charles P. Henry and Frances Smith Foster, critically discuss some of the significant points of the complex and contested relationship between Black Women’s Studies and Black Studies.
Delores P. Aldridge, “Toward a New Role and Function of Black Studies in White and Historically Black Institutions”
Beverly Guy-Sheftall, “Black Women’s Studies: The Interface of Women’s Studies and Black Studies”
Charles P. Henry and Frances Smith Foster, “Black Women’s Studies: Threat or Challenge?”
( https://www.proquest.com/openview/61eec97f4e7a70c76af9d1d1498feae5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1821483)
Writing Checklist
Your paper clearly and comprehensively responds to the assignment with a central thesis statement that organizes the essay.
You have appropriate support for your argument.
Your argument is logical and is presented in a well-organized fashion with main points following one another in a clear manner.
You use effective transitions between paragraphs to maintain logical continuity throughout the paper.
Your conclusion provides an effective summary of your essay and the relevance of the essay in response to the assignment.
Your paper uses formal academic language (avoiding statements such as “I believe” “In my opinion” “I feel”) and is properly formatted with all quotations cited.
You proofread your paper to avoid common punctuation and grammatical errors like proper use of commas, incorrect spelling, run-on sentences, awkward sentence construction, and improper tense changes.
Beverly Guy-Sheftall, “Black Women’s Studies: The Interface of Women’s Studies and Black Studies” in Nathaniel Norment, ed., The African American Studies Reader, 181-186. Charles P. Henry and Frances Smith Foster, “Black Women’s Studies: Threat or Challenge?” in Nathaniel Norment, ed., The African American Studies Reader, 172-180.

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