Why should the consumers blame fast food restaurants for their bad eating habits

Why should the consumers blame fast food restaurants for their bad eating habits? In fact, according to the study from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, junk food does not appear to be a leading cause of obesity in the United States. Fast-Food is choice we Americans make because it’s convenient and easier. “Results of the study showed that 94 percent of people believed individuals are primarily or somewhat to blame for the rise in obesity, with parents coming in second at 91 percent primarily or somewhat to blame. Survey respondents felt farmers and grocery stores were relatively blameless for the rise in obesity.” Consumers tends to become lazy and not wanting to cook and would prefer takeout. Everyone has days when you just don’t feel like cooking and that’s understandable, you’re human. Buying takeout is your preference how could you blame the restaurant for your bad eating habits? Blaming the restaurant for your choices is not right. They are not forcing you to eat at their restaurants they are simply advertising their food to get customers attention and you just fall victim. Restaurants are just doing their job you have to take responsibility for your bad eating habits. But who really cares? Who besides me and a handful of recent writers/researchers has a stake in these claims? At the very least, consumers should care because it’s affecting them. Although it may seem of concern to only a small group of people, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about your health.
Basically I have to make that into an essay. It has to be in MLA format I need a Introduction, Body Paragraph, and Conclusion

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