When writing a research paper, a valuable aspect of pre-writing is the collectio

When writing a research paper, a valuable aspect of pre-writing is the collection of evidence. While you have been researching sources for prior assignments, you have yet to create an Annotated Bibliography. An Annotated Bibliography is like a guide featuring your academic sources. It will help ground your work, as it can offer organizational clarity, and potentially highlight the weak points in your overall argument! 
Your Annotated Bibliography must feature: 
Your working thesis – you must answer the question being asked of you in the prompt! What is your argument and the focus of your work? Having this at the top of the page will help remind you to pick sources that are relevant to your argument! Your four academic sources – while you need a minimum of six sources for your research paper, one of those sources is your chosen media piece, and the other being Coates, you do not need to write anything about them for your annotated bibliography.  
Remember, your four sources should be academic in nature. While it is ok to have more colloquial mentions in your work, your “official” sources must be factual, edited, published pieces of work. Please refer to this guide to refresh your memory on what this means!For each source you must summarize and assess the work and how it applies to your argument:Provide a brief summary of the author’s purpose, covering the main points of the work. What does your source talk about? Summarize the information being presented. You should reflect on the source’s potential importance or usefulness for your own research. How do you want to use their work? Why have you picked this piece to apply to your argument? Make sure to properly cite each source. I have shared a video with you in the guide that shows you how to find your citation directly from the database, so you don’t have to generate it yourself!
Submission Format 
Please turn in your Annotated Bibliography by 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 5th.  

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