Watch this documentary< <

Watch this documentary< <
Answer these two questions, thank you!<
Q1: Given that advanced economies and many regions throughout the world experienced a significant increase in income inequality since approximately the 1990s, and the worldwide economic and financial crisis largely contributed to the rise in income distribution inequality, how should the global governments utilize their most powerful tool – fiscal policy – to adequately address this type of inequality?<
Q2: Considering the current state of the U.S. economy and all the knowledge that you have acquired during the semester so far, what type of fiscal policy would you recommend the federal government to pursue in order to bring the economy from a recessionary gap. That is, if your concern lies in (a) the provision of public services, then would you advise the policy package to include increased spending? If yes, then on what programs and how could the government fund this expenditure? (b) the size of the budget deficit, then how would you advise lowering it? (c) the tax wedge, then would your preferred policy package include tax cuts? If yes, then what public services would you advise the government to cut to achieve lower taxes?<

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