Watch the video ‘National Geographic Taboo S02E02 Child Rearing’ and answer the

Watch the video ‘National Geographic Taboo S02E02 Child Rearing’ and answer the questions.
1. What are some broader parental ethnotheories guiding the childrearing and lifestyle of the Mentawai children?
e.g., Children should learn…
2. Which parenting goal (LeVine, 1974) do you think that parents are most focused on in this community? Discuss your selection.
.Families in all societies have three basic goals (purposes) for their children:
1.The first goal is the survival goal which promotes the physical survival and health of the child.
2.Second, the economic goal is to foster skills and behavioral capacities that the child needs for economic self-maintenance as an adult.
3. The final goal is self-actualization in order to foster behavioral capabilities for maximizing cultural values (e.g., morality, religion, achievement).
3.What do you think are some specific parental goals that might be guiding the childrearing of Mentawai children?
4.What do you think are some parental expectations that might be guiding the childrearing of Mentawai children?
5. What do you think are some parenting attributions that might be guiding the childrearing of Mentawai children?

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