W04: Peer-Reviewed Sources vs. Popular Sources Peer-Reviewed Sources vs. Popular

W04: Peer-Reviewed Sources vs. Popular Sources
Peer-Reviewed Sources vs. Popular Sources
For this assignment, you will complete a series of activities that will help you find, identify, and understand the sources that you find in our library’s databases.
Once you have finished each activity, please submit your “Peer-Reviewed _vs _Popular_ Article_ Comparison _Handout” sheet to this assignment section.
1.) Take a few minutes to watch this video which provides a detailed definition of what a peer-reviewed source is.
Peer Review in 3 Minutes (Links to an external site.)
Peer Review in 3 Minutes
3.) Read Michelle Obama and the Representation of Respectability by Annette Madlock Gatison, an article from a peer-reviewed source, and American Woman by Joelle Gamble, an article from a popular source.
NOTE: Complete the following worksheet by listing at least 10
differences and 10 similarities in these two art
Skim the articles provided and record the characteristics of each article.
1. What are the differences? For example, how is each article unique? Record in the appropriate column under Differences.
2. In what ways are these articles similar? Record in the Similarities column.
3. Be prepared to report out your findings.
Comments from Customer
Discipline: ENGLISH075: CO-PREREQUIsite
The video cannot be uploaded, the video only explains peer review and popular review, use the information given to answer the question. thank you

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