Upon reading the assigned readings for this week: Provide an overview of the th

Upon reading the assigned readings for this week:
Provide an overview of the three readings; how are they interrelated and which major themes do they share?
Discuss how the conflict perspective may help explain a key social problem related to the intersection of family and the economy as it relates to the readings.
Incorporate two key terms (one from each chapter) to help support your discussion.
Finally, discuss at least one policy or program from the readings that pairs well with the supplemental reading by Halpeern-Meekin, that aims to address the issue(s).
Please use examples from assigned readings throughout the assignment. Use in-text citations for the examples from the textbook and supplemental reading to support your discussion.
You will need to format citations per ASA guidelines for full credit.
Assignment will need to be a minimum/maximum of 2-3 pgs, double-spaced.
PDF format
12 point, Times-New Roman font; 1″ margins
NOTE: Less than two full pages will not be graded.
reading attached below

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