Together with the Louis Theroux’s “Gambling in Las Vegas” video, – https://www.d

Together with the Louis Theroux’s “Gambling in Las Vegas” video, – Chapter 8 information and 3 newly posted videos, please respond to the following ideas/questions . . . INFO- The survey reported that in 1989 gambling was a popular and inexpensive activity in the United States. Specifically, it found that nearly three-quarters (71%) of those sampled had gambled that year and that nearly one-third (31%) were regular weekly gamblers. Although 29 percent had not wagered in the previous year, only 10 percent claimed that they had never gambled. M ost lifetime abstainers indicated that they avoided it on moral or religious grounds. In comparison with gamblers, abstainers were more likely to be older, more religious, less affluent, to avoid alcoholic beverages, and to live in the South. Most of those who did gamble claimed that it had little effect on their financial situation since most claimed to spend less than $20 at any one time. When asked about the results of their gambling, 24 percent claimed to be ahead, 5 8 percent behind, 1 5 percent “even,” and 3 percent were unsure. About three-fifths (6 1%) of all gamblers estimated that a tally of their overall wins and losses throughout the previous year would amount to less than $50. The study therefore concluded that “America is a nation of gamblers who mostly wager small amounts of money on a wide range of games.” 1 7 The survey also revealed some distinct regional differences in gambling behavior. As already noted, nongamblers were most likely to live in the S outh than any other region of the country. In fact, the South had twice as many nongamblers (44%) as the North (22%). However, Southerners who did gamble were just as likely to engage in card games, racetrack betting, and sports betting as Northerners. Westerners, 40 percent of whom were regular casino participants, were the heaviest gamblers. They not only gambled more frequently than people from elsewhere, but they also made larger bets. The general antigambling sentiment that pervades the southern United States was also revealed in an independent examination of regional spending patterns which reported a marked disparity between the amount of money spent on gambling in different parts of the United States. 1 8 The highest per capita gambling expenditure or handle was found in the Western Mountain region ($6,046) which included Nevada, the state with the nations highest gambling expenditures ($58,670 per capita). Far lower per capita spending rates were reported for the Mid-Atlantic region ($907), New England ($318), the Midwest ($198), the Pacific states ($184), and the South Atlantic region ($160). The lowest rates were in the South ($94) which included Georgia and North Carolina, the states with the nation’s lowest per gambling expenditures ($5). Gender differences were also quite apparent. Men were far heavier gamblers than women and each sex had its own gambling preferences. Roughly three-fifths (58%) of all men claimed to gamble at least once a month as opposed to two-fifths (41%) of all women. Four-fifths of all gamblers who had ever lost more than $100 on one occasion were men. Men tended to prefer games of skill while women favored games of chance. The most popular gambling activities of males were card games, racetrack betting, and sports betting; most women preferred lotteries, bingo, and other games of luck. Specif ic Gambling A ctivities Bingo. Bingo, which attracted only 13 percent of all gamblers, was far less popular than other gambling activities. Only 3 percent of all gamblers played bingo on a weekly basis. Most bingo players were female, from the lower socioeconomic classes, Catholic, and lived in the eastern half of the United States. Although occasional players were just as likely to be young adults as senior citizens, weekly players tended to be older . In general, bingo players are likely to participate in other forms of gambling such as card games, racetrack, and betting. They are also just as likely as other gamblers to be heavy bettors and have gambling problems. Lotteries. Lotteries represented the fastest growing and most popular gambling industry in 1989. Although only 14 states and the District of Columbia had lotteries in the early 1980s, by the time of the study they were being operated in an additional 1 5 states and three more were in the process of establishing them. Over half (54%) of all the nation’s adults had purchased lottery tickets in the 12 months prior to the survey as opposed to only 18 percent who had done so in 1982. Fully two-thirds (66%) of the residents of states that sponsor lotteries were occasional players while nearly one-third (3 1%) played weekly . As a result of their popularity, lotteries took in more money ($8.4 billion) than any other form of gambling. On the whole, lottery players did not appear to be heavy gamblers. Eac h player spent an average of only $5 per week on lottery tickets, which is about the same amount that they spent at racetracks but far less than they spent at casinos. Unlike bingo players, most lottery players limited their gambling to this activity only and most never risked more than $10 in one day. Although more men than women played lotteries, the gender difference was much smaller for this than it was in other forms of gambling. Casino gaming. The revenues generated by American casinos ($7 billion) were second only to lotteries. O ver two-fifths of all adults, many of whom were heavy gamblers, visited a casino within the previous year . H owever, the demographic characteristics of the average casino gambler were somewhat different from those of the heavy gambler. In the first place, gender differences were nearly nonexistent since nearly equal numbers of men and women visited casinos. In the second place, because casinos were legal only in Nevada and Atlantic City, New Jersey at the time, casino visits usually involved transportation and possibly lodging expenses. This meant that a certain degree of wealth was required of most participants. Most casino gamblers were therefore middle aged adults, most of whom had annual incomes greater than $30,000 and 30 percent of whom earned more than $50,000. Also related to their respective locations was the fact that most casino patrons (67%) lived in eastern or western parts of the United States. Because Las Vegas and Reno are relatively isolated from the large West Coast population centers, fewer of Nevada’s casino patrons were repeat visitors. However, its proximity to the large urban centers of the East Coast provided Atlantic City with many more repeat visitors. QUESTION: —————-How has the Coronavirus pandemic affected the “real world” of Gambling? How has it affected Las Vegas? Legal State lotteries? Illegal gambling?? How will it affect your own gambling practices, if you have any??? What about all future gambling practices anywhere????

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