This written assignment asks you to design an ethnographic research project rela

This written assignment asks you to design an ethnographic research project related to one of the themes we have discussed in class:
Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism
Politics and Power
Class and Inequality
You will need to complete the following sections:
1. Research design (2 pages) – define a research question, identify your research approach and describe the benefits of this research approach (e.g you can draw from Leavy’s text)
2. Literature Review (2 pages) – conduct a short literature review that includes at least FIVE sources, ONE of which should be theoretical (e.g you can draw from class readings)
3. Hypothetical Fieldwork (2 pages) – identify a fieldwork site and describe the fieldwork plan (who would you talk to and why, what would you observe and why).
APA or MLA citation, single spaced. 6 pages (excluding cover page and bibliography).

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