this research proposal asginment is for the encapsulation of an active ingredien

this research proposal asginment is for the encapsulation of an active ingredient (like apigenin or curcuma ) in ethosomes (advanced delivery systems) for an antiaging activity
(like wrinkles, uvb,uva radiation, photoaging ) anything related to skin aging
i uploaded a sample that i want you to do something similar to
the method part IS THE MOST IMPORTANT and has to be done as if it were to be conducted in the lab so we cant use methods for in vivo studies conducted on animals
start with a title then write an aim and objectives that are all related to each other then start writing the proposal, i will upload an example that i want you to follow for guidenss so i want it in a level thats better than the example as for the furthur proposal part it needs to be something new and build up on the current litreture this reasearch is for 2500 words without the content page and refrencing i will upload all guidelines, maring rubric and articles i found that can help you or direct you the right way
as for the refrences please use reputable journals and books
please have graphs and charts in the essay
you can also have a part where u compare how the formulation is conducted by ethosomes compared to other advanced delievry systems like liposomes or transferoms
este loder has an advanced night repair serum that was conducted by advanced delivery system you can look at that for help also
please refer back to me as soon as u can incase there is something u didnt understand
in the guidlines there is everything about the font and spacing

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