This project consists of three parts graded independently. The first two parts a

This project consists of three parts graded independently. The first two parts are worth 15 points each and the paper is 70 points..
This project requires you to download an app to track nutrition and physical activity. I recommend MyFitnessPal, but if you have another one that assesses both nutrition and physical activity that is fine too. The MyFitnessPal app can be used on your phone, but it may be easier on the computer.
Part I Nutrition – 15 Points
For this part you will be required to keep track of your nutritional intake for at least 24 hours, however tracking your daily food intake for at least a week will give you an excellent nutritional picture. It is VERY detailed, so keeping notes during the days when you log your information may be helpful. This portion of the project is worth 15 points. You will need to take a screen shot of one of the reports (i.e., total calories, carbs, fats, sugars,etc.),paste it in a word document and submit for Part I.
Part II Physical Activity – 15 Points
This include walking (i.e. upstairs, downstairs, on inclines, with weights), exercises, and sports. This portion of the project is worth 15 points. You will need to copy/screenshot one of the reports (minutes or calories burned), paste it in a word document and submit for part II.
Part III Activity Paper – 70 Points
After tracking your nutrition and physical activity, write a 3-5 page paper describing your strengths and weaknesses (based on parts 1 & 2 with examples), how you can improve your diet and physical activity, and why a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle is important. Although you are only submitted one graph from your reports you should look at and talk about all of them (highlight areas you did well and areas you need improvement). Report should be double-spaced in Microsoft Word and uploaded into the Assignments Dropbox. This portion of the project is worth 70 points.

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