This paper is a correlational study between academic motivation related to acade

This paper is a correlational study between academic motivation related to academic performance. Needs to be following the rubric and in the 7th edition APA style. The references need to be an academic peer-reviewed journal source. The example paper in the attachments is written in 6th edition APA but is there just for a guide. –[Make sure you are actually using in-text citations. Just putting what references you used at the end and not using in-text citations.]– –[Make sure you have included all of the sections and in the proper order. Your paper should flow seamlessly with presenting background information, letting the reader know what your study hypothesis is, talking about the methods used, presenting the results, discussing the results with the previous research, limitations, and future direction. Your final page should be a list of references, properly formatted, that you used, and were cited in the paper. Do not include references if you didn’t have an in-text citation to match!]– ——- [ Please submit your full APA-style manuscript covering the project. In one document, you should include: -Title page (APA style and make sure you’ve included a proper header based on the 7th edition of APA) -(optional) Abstract (120-150 words describing your study and findings – not describing the literature review). -Literature Review (cite all eight peer-reviewed sources; 2.5 pages minimum; organize the material, do not use quotes; use proper citations as needed; should end with “The current study” paragraph that states your hypothesis. -Methods (should have subsections: Participants, Materials, and Procedure) -Results (should be concise and use statistical language; should include one scatterplot and your statistical findings) -Discussion (starts with restating the findings and explaining their meaning. This section should cite material in the literature review and discuss the findings compared to the previous studies. This section should also include limitations of OUR research study and future direction for this topic (i.e., what should researchers do better in the future? What needs to be studied? -References (APA style; see previous croc doc feedback and use that to submit better citations; this should be the easy part!) ]—–

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