This is a speech draft, so no format is required. Please write a 2 minute speech

This is a speech draft, so no format is required.
Please write a 2 minute speech based on chapter 1 of “Just Mercy”.
Ensure that you define and review your understanding of any key concepts, look for any concepts of racial equality, social justice, or diversity in the “course reading package” I uploaded.
Also, remember evidence any claim or perspective you make in your class presentation.
At the beginning of the speech, you should introduce the background of the book and the author, and then summarize and criticize the first chapter.
This order and Order #LA23127 are two parts of the final project, so the same author can be hired and the same content used.
Word count:
I am not sure how many words are needed for a 2 minute speech (I speak slowly), please let me know and I will make up the difference.

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