This assignment is very complicated.. The instructions attached needs to be fill

This assignment is very complicated..
The instructions attached needs to be filled out and made in to a response and an actual conversation.. I would like you guys to make an audio recording on the subject of my mother being 100days sober using the responses and acronyms needed as well as filing out the assignment below using SMART goals and all the other needed criteria I need an essay written about how I used the acronyms and responses in my audio recording with my mother. I want you guys to make a recording and do the assignment on around the recording you made then I will just make the exact same audio recording with my mother so our voices are on it. I need you guys to make the recording as if it was me and my mother talking about her 100days and I will just copy the recording with her and I. I will attach a recording below that is somewhat how we talk during my trials of completing this assignment but I did not use the proper response or any of the acronyms needed. I need you guys to make a audio recording based on the assignment criteria then I will copy the audio recording for my mother and I to make as well as I need you guys to file out the assignment and the response as well as make an essay with a reference page. citations must be from the text book communication in nursing by Julia blazer Riley evolve ninth edition Elsevier you can access the text book online with this code I will attach ER7E3CMX866M or from Canadian based websites that are cited and referenced in ENGLISH. This assignment must be followed thoroughly by my instructions as well as the marking rubric and assignment. please fill out the assignment worksheet based on my mothers 100 days sober as well as make an audio recording that I will copy the conversation with my mother. The recording given was my attempt and just an example of how my mother and I speak in the same context as that recording I need the response included and the use of the acronyms. recording can be short as long as directions are followed. Fill the assignment sheet out with the responses and acronyms you made in the audio recording and I will retype it into the actual proper sheet. The essay must be based on the recording and assignment sheet filled out explaining responses. all the directions are included in the forms. I had someone do this assignment from do my assignments already and they were unable to follow the instructions and complete the assignment properly so I asked my instructor for a deadline extension. Please follow the assignment directions properly. If you have any questions please text me at 12508022426 as I do not go on my email and this assignment needs to be completed in a timely manner. If my example recording will not open on this assignment submission text me and I will just text it to you as it does not properly open on some computers this re cording is only my attempt and example at this assignment I need you to make something similar but using the correct responses and demonstrating them this recording is just to give you an idea about what my mother and I talk about and what I need the assignment topic to be based on her 100days sober in the recording and base the recording on the assignment sheet as well as the essay. Please text me and be in communication with me if you are unclear about this assignment and what I need from you. Do not message me by email or this website as I do not use my email frequently. Please text me to clearly summarize what needs to be done.
Audio voice recording
fill out the responses and use of acronyms in the assignment sheet.
reference page with use of cited sources including page numbers for the textbook.

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