This assignment is to create a virtual company with your group members and then

This assignment is to create a virtual company with your group members and then present a 5-7 minute Powerpoint presentation (approximately 7-11 slides). This would be as if you were starting a company, as though you might see on a TV show like Sharktank.
Decide what kind of company, and identify its product(s) or service(s), and explore similar real-life firms.
These are the tasks.
Create a company that provides a product or service that people would want.
Create a 5 -7 minute Powerpoint presentation that explains what the company does, what its competition is, who would want to buy the product or service, and what approximately the price would be.
Divide the tasks into the following:
1) Creative: create the PowerPoint and logo and slogan
2) Research: investigate who and what the competition is
3) Marketing: research who the audience is, and how to attract that audience
4) Coordinator: bring it all together and finesse for the presentation

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