There are a number of national, state and local campaigns focused on increasing

There are a number of national, state and local campaigns focused on increasing awareness, and reducing the incidence of SUID/accidental suffocation in the U. S., such as the ABCs of Safe Sleep or Safe to Sleep or campaigns.
Here is on example of a campaign poster: (opens in new tab)
After reviewing the materials on SUID and Safe-Sleep/Co-Sleeping, complete the following steps:
Find 2 slogans that you like and copy them and the links to them into the paper.
Critique the slogans – do you think they are culturally sensitive? If not, why/how so.
Do you think that they speak to the issues effectively? How could they be improved?
Create your own slogan regarding one of the following: safe sleep, ways to reduce SUID, or advice for new parents on safe sleeping for their infant.

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