The purpose of the ZPD Project is to give you the opportunity to apply what you

purpose of the ZPD Project is to give you the opportunity to apply what
you have learned to date in a one‐on‐one “teach.” The goal is to create
an authentic task; use scaffolding skills you have acquired and gain
insight to how a person processes information. Review chapter 2, page 63
of the Educational Psychology in Teaching textbook. Based on this
experience, you will provide a critical analysis and personal reflection
in the form of a written paper. (Total Points: 150)
Paper Format
Length: Five pages
Page 1: Title page
Pages 2, 3, & 4: Content for the paper
Page 5: References page
APA Format
The paper should be formatted in APA format 7th edition this includes:
Use Times New Roman, font size 12
Page numbers should be on the upper left-hand side of the header sections
Double space
Include first level headings (Center aligned and bold) and second level heading (Left aligned and bold)
Include a title page, body, and references page.
Your references page should have at least 3 complete references from a book or article.

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