The prompt for this paper is ““I believe that good is that which does good to th

The prompt for this paper is ““I believe that good is that which does good to the most, and that by which the most are contented.”
— Machiavelli For Machiavelli,
the goal of satisfying one’s desires seems to be of paramount importance, regardless of the tactics one employs to realize them. Hence, the need to know the “tricks of the world”. Similarly, Castiglione praises discretion as being among the most prized qualities that a courtier could possess. We see a similar ethic deployed in the “Deceived.” Discuss. What happens to love and justice in such a “Machiavellian” world? What happens to the truth? Or do such questions even matter—for if we get what we
want, who cares?” Throughout this paper you need to stay close to the text and analyze the text. I’ll be sharing two texts with you and you just need to explain. Somethings to ask yourself is purdance the same thing as descretion? is it the same as self knowledge? What’s dissumlation? How do we disculate? Those are just somethings to keep in mind. Ill be sharing Maciavelli, and Castiglione, and another text called deceived. Just mainly he says stays close to the text. Also, this is a 5 page paper so you just need to start it no need for a conclusion just an introduction thesis and body paragraphs. Also, this is an argumantive paper and make sure to add quotes to back up all claims that you make. Also please let me know what you are arguing so I can be aware when finishing the paper. Can you also add page numbers for the quotes; and no outside sources. If you finish this soon that would be great. Thank you!

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