The Memo alone must be 750-1000 the others are appendices of 100 words each Revi

The Memo alone must be 750-1000 the others are appendices of 100 words each
Review the information on Management Consulting (link below).
Read the case study and take notes on how the case involves marketing and the topics we have covered in class.
Review the course material and conduct the required outside research (3 additional scholarly, peer-reviewed articles).
Your goal is to create a 750 to a 1,000-word executive memo to Michael Pirron (your boss) outlining your marketing strategy for Impact Maker’s as they move forward into 2021.
Make sure to include:
Product description,
Selling information.
Existing marketing campaign and messaging.
Using the information you research, create and include as appencies:
SWOT analysis, along with a detailed explanation of at least 100 words
SOAR analysis, along with a detailed explanation of at least 100 words
Target Market analysis, along with a detailed explanation of at least 100 words
Segmentation analysis, along with a detailed explanation of at least 100 words
Product Life Cycle analysis, along with a detailed explanation of at least 100 words
Review your memo for clarity, argumentation, good grammar and syntax.

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