The following are a few reviews and videos about Isabel Wilkerson’s book Caste:

The following are a few reviews and videos about Isabel Wilkerson’s book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. I want you to choose one to read or watch, and then respond to it for your third journal entry. Describe what is compelling about the review/video and say why. If you want, you may go further and relate whatever you discuss to a theme or idea in theology or in your creed.
A review in the NYTimes (and the comments are mostly thoughtful and worth skimming as well) (Links to an external site.) 
A review from NPR (Links to an external site.)
A PBS News Hour segment with the author (Links to an external site.)
An interview with the author on the Daily Social Distancing Show (with Trevor Noah) (Links to an external site.)
A CBS interview with Oprah, when Oprah announced Caste as her book pick

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