The first short-term paper is due on 10/24/2021 Suggested titles for your term p

The first short-term paper is due on 10/24/2021 Suggested titles for your term paper are provided. The term paper should be at least 2 pages (max 3 pages) long excluding the references page and written in APA style. The list of references should be given on the last new page of your paper. You should write your own paper. A plagiarism detection software will be used to grade the term paper. You will not earn any credits for writing that is not yours in part or in whole.
Suggested Title of the Term Paper
Textbook Chapter (9th Edition)
Cerebrovascular accident
The causes, manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of stroke
Chapter 7
Hearing Impairment
The causes, manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hearing loss in the elderly
Chapter 8
Diabetes Mellitus
The causes, manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hearing loss in the elderly
Chapter 9
How to search for reference articles using Google Scholar. I will discuss this in class.
1. Open Google browser.
2. Write Google scholar in the search field.
3. Write keywords from the title of the paper in the Google Scholar search field. example, type the words: Prevalence of smoking in pregnant women in New York City
4. You can customize the number of years on the left side of the Google scholar search field.

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