During the Entry Period, create a video (“Video”) of two (2) minutes or less, co

During the Entry Period, create a video (“Video”) of two (2) minutes or less, consistent with the Video guidelines outlined herein,
that answers the question “What legacy are you looking to leave behind by taking on a career in the healthcare field?” (“Contest Question”). In addition to the Video Guidelines (as defined in Section 4 below), your Video must:
Feature you (the “Entrant”) as the sole subject;
Commence with: “My first name is _________ and I am studying/studied (as applicable) to become a ________.”;
Where are you from (city/state)?
Why did you enter/are you entering the specified profession?
What does it mean to be in/enter this profession?
What is something we would be surprised to know about you?
What are three words used to describe you?
What inspired you to join this field?
What is one piece of advice that has been invaluable to your career/study thus far?
What legacy are you looking to leave behind by taking on a career in the healthcare field?
Use attached paper as an inspiration of why i got into the nursing field.

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