The assignment will take the form of a 2000 word report related to mental health

The assignment will take the form of a 2000 word report related to mental health service user and carer perspectives on living with a mental illness/disorder. The report contents must also include a critical account of mental health service users in the UK and carers/parents (where appropriate) views on services and support mechanisms involved in the process of supporting the recovery of individuals by meeting their diverse needs.
You will need to choose a mental illness to focus on and a social group, e.g. children and young people under age 18 or working age adults or older people aged 65 and older or people in prison, and critically analyse how your chosen mental illness impacts on your chosen social group from the service users’ perspective. You need to critically analyse the evidence for how the experience of, and interventions for, your chosen mental illness impact on those in your social group.
You will be expected to use qualitative data to describe the lives of those affected by your chosen illness and how they view treatment and support services. For the qualitative data, you should draw on primary research studies where service users and/or families/carers speak about their experiences i.e. you must use primary research studies that give ‘voice’ to your chosen social group. These are studies that look at what your social group have to say life is like for them living with the mental health problem and the impact the mental illness has on them and their life as well as what they say about the support/mental health services they receive in the UK.

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