abstract on 200 word in 2 days Abstract & Bibliography, Research Presentation, a

abstract on 200 word in 2 days
Abstract & Bibliography, Research Presentation, and Final Paper: Each student will also write a substantial paper. For graduate students, the paper must be not less than twelve and not more than twenty-five double-spaced pages, excluding examples; due in its first form on the day of the presentation and in its final form on December 14 (I will give you substantial feedback on your draft.). You will write a short abstract of the paper and provide a bibliography on or before October 15. Consult with me about your paper topics as early as you can, bearing in mind that we may not have covered topics of interest to you by October 15. During the last three classes, each student will present his/her paper to the class. There will be a period of questions and answers following each paper to provide students with the opportunity to incorporate comments and critiques into the final, written version of the project.

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