The Arabian Nights by Husain: Haddawy

The Arabian Nights by Husain: Haddawy
Arabian Nights: Final Research Paper & Presentation
Your research paper (10 pages, double-spaced, 12 font) should have a clear thesis and an argument and should be rigorous and analytical. You must use a minimum of five academic sources (a combination of chapters from books and articles, or just articles, but none from the syllabus). J-stor is one of the best databases for academic articles.
Important Deadlines:
Nov 15th: Email me the title/subject of your research paper to get approval.
Nov 22nd: Submit a 100-word abstract of your paper.
Dec 6th and 13th: Students will present final projects in the last two class. We will go by alphabetical order. Your formal presentation will be 6 to 8 minutes and should clearly and concisely present the thesis/argument of the project, your approach, and the available sources. You should have a bibliography.
Dec 17th: Research papers due by 5 pm on Brightspace.

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