SWK208- GENERALIST PRACTICE I  Lesson 9 Discussion 1- 200 words or one page Joey

Lesson 9 Discussion 1- 200 words or one page
Joey, Sarah, and their 9-year-old, son, Tim are a Chinese family who are meeting with a Social Worker at a community clinic. Joey and Sarah are requesting parenting support as Tim is defiant and refuses to follow directions at school and at home. Joey and Sarah are requesting support to help them learn how they can manage Tim’s behavior.
Using the readings or additional research, identify an intervention that could be appropriate for this family. Please discuss the following:
· Why did you select this intervention?
· Discuss how this intervention would benefit the family related to their presenting problem?
· Please identify any cultural considerations.
Lesson 9 Discussion 2- 200 words or one page
Please review the following article: Doing Family Therapy as a New Social Worker: The Do’s and Don’ts.
While this article mentions family therapy, please consider the skills of a beginning Social Worker/Case Manager as you read this article.
After reviewing this article, please consider the following in your discussion post:
· Please share your thoughts on how you can apply this information as a Social Worker.
· What do you think are some of the benefits/challenges in working with families?
Doing Family Therapy as a New Social Worker: https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/doing-family-therapy-as-a-new-social-worker-dos-and-donts/ 
Favorite Therapeutic Activities for Children, Adolescents, and Families: http://www.lianalowenstein.com/e-booklet.pdf
Lesson 10 Discussion- 200 words or one page
After reviewing the readings, please provide a discussion post considering the following in your response:
· Please share your thoughts about the group treatment process.
· Why is it important to be aware of group member roles?
· How can you apply this information in your future practice as a Social Worker?
Groupwork Practice for Social Workers https://www.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/66682_Crawford___Groupwork_Practice_for_Social_Workers.pdf
Stages of Group Development https://www.socialworkin.com/2019/11/stages-of-group-development.html
Group Member Roles

14.2 Group Member Roles

SWK103- Social Work and Deviant Behavior
Lesson 9A Discussion- In 200 Words
Application of Theory: Provide two examples to your classmates on how the Social Control Theory explains deviant behavior. 200 words in minimum length, just be sure to provide two examples with explanations. You are required to respond to two classmates.
Lesson 9B Discussion- In 200 Words
Discuss the difference between internal and external controls. Provide examples of each and how they are connected with deviance. 
Discussion posts should be 1 page in length.
Lesson 10 Discussion- In 200 Words
As of 2015, women made up 10.4% of the incarcerated population in adult prisons and jails. Why do you think women make up such a small percentage of the total incarcerated population? (You can support your opinion with outside resources if you wish; just make sure to cite your source[s] at the end of your discussion post). 
This discussion should be a minimum of 1 page.
(Suzanne Peaden. (2017, Dec 7). Social Control Theory. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEMWE9rJK3E)
Social Control Theory
Lesson 9 Discussion- In 200 Words
Defining “institutional racism” is sometimes difficult for people, but it affects our present-day American existence. The video above is an attempt to provide a visual representation of how American history has created a need to achieve equity in modern times. Using the videos, name some of the obstacles that have contributed to unequal opportunities in the United States. (Please note: Affirmative Action and implicit bias will be discussed at a later date within this course). How might these obstacles relate to your profession, either now or in the future?
(2019, April 16). Systemic Racism Explained [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrHIQIO_bdQ
Graduate School of Social Work – DU. (2018, March 26). Power Privilege and Oppression [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTDikx-maoM
www.Tarbia.TV. (2016, February 9). The Unequal Opportunity Race: White Privilege? Institutional Racism? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_A1JKJ506o

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