Students will pick up a research question of their choice, suitable to be answer

Students will pick up a research question of their choice, suitable to be answered to through visual data. In order to answer the question(s), they will use existing data or they will produce new data to be analyzed. Depending on the research questions, visual data can be collected, for example, from digital platforms and social media, newspapers, archives, to name just a few. Students can apply quantitative, qualitative methods or realize a mixed-method visual analysis. As a guideline, the research paper will have a length of 6-7,000 words. It will include the literature review and the description of the methodology, the data analysis, challenges and potential ways forward. The data-set used should be included in an annex.
The attached file is the literature review and the methodology part that has already been written. Please read it carefully!!! And carry on with what has already been written. What you need to write now is to find the data and to analyze the data, and write about challenges and potential ways forward.
Please keep me posted on the progress of the work. Please release parts as you write. Thank you.

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