Step 1 Choose either Option A or Option B and post a 150+ word discussion by Wed

Step 1
Choose either Option A or Option B and post a 150+ word discussion by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT,
Be specific and give examples, using at least two outside references, to buttress your argument. Cite all sources in APA format.
Option A:
“The Natural Law theory is a product of a Christian society. It does not arise outside of a Christian framework.”
Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of this statement.
Option B:
“The hungry man needs food above all else, the cold need clothing, the homeless shelter. Poverty creates the kind of suffering that degrades man and excludes the possibility of a properly human and spiritual life. Thus the battle against poverty is a battle for the rights of the human spirit. (Sergei Bulgakov, “Economic Ideal,” p. 43)”
Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of this statement.

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