STEP 1: Select a word that is abstract. Write 9-12 sentences that build moveme

STEP 1: Select a word that is abstract. Write 9-12 sentences that build movement in your writing style. Introduce the abstract word and develop your topic by exemplifying its meaning in a concrete way, as visually as you are able.
STEP 2: Next, state in concise fashion the same concept (condense what you have written into a memorable brief few words). As you consider this part of your assignment, think about how a bumper sticker is able to capture the essence of a larger idea or opinion. Words like “bumper sticker”; “cliché”; “dictum”; “motto”; even “meme” are helpful words to picture this step. Let your creative juices flow.
I’m sure I’ve missed someone’s pet peeve or soap box word in the following list. I’ve provided you with a wide range of choices. Many words seem to oppose each other. They may even seem to shift the direction of the assignment.
You’ll recognize some words as catchalls for a set of opinions that people seldom clarify. Others fall into typical categories of abstractions (e. g., beauty, compassion, justice). THE POINT OF THIS ASSIGNMENT IS TO MAKE AN ABSTRACT TERM AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE BY composing an extended definition and exemplifying its meaning through words that make our experience of the word more concrete. Add your -ism to the list or grasp the meaning of an emotion. Present your selected abstract word as Charles Schultz did in his art, by portraying it with a clear image. Instead of a pen or brush, use your words to show us what you are looking at in your mind.
List of Possible Topics: Aesthetics || Agnosticism || Anger || Anxiety || Authenticity || Avocation|| Beauty || Betrayal || Bigotry || Catharsis || Charm || Chauvinism || Compassion || Conservatism || Conspiracy || Courage || Cowardice || Creativity || Debt || Deceit || Discipline || Dissonance || Empathy || Enlightenment || Enthusiasm || Eternity || Fundamentalism|| Genius|| Goal || Gossip || Grace || Gratitude || Green Lifestyle || Heroism || Hubris || Intuition || Irony || Jingoism || Justice || Late-bloomer || Liberalism || Love || Luck || Maturity || Mediocrity || Melancholia || Mercy || Monasticism ||Narcissism || Notoriety ||Opportunity || Pandemic || Paranoia || Patriotism ||Peace || Potential || Poverty || Prejudice || Privilege || Professionalism || Progressivism || Scholasticism || Sexism || Success || Surveillance Capitalism || Sympathy || Talent || Tourism || Transcendence || Ugliness || Vocation || Wealth ||+ your choice
All my life, I’ve been told I have an old soul, and in recent years, I’ve managed to be someone that most people perceive as sure of themselves. This idea of maturity has been put onto me and so many others from a young age, leaving one to ask, what is maturity? Well, the definition of mature is having or showing the mental and emotional qualities of an adult, and maturity is the act of doing so. The thing about that is that all adults are different, and that definition generalizes all of their emotional qualities. An adult mentality can be anything. Most of my close friends and family would say that maturity is about accepting that nobody’s perfect. We’re all capable of making mistakes, and none of us is worth more than the other. I think that maturity has a lot to do with being open to other people’s experiences and trying to understand others. In this sense, I don’t think being referred to as mature is particularly a negative thing. Being able to comprehend the world like an “adult” is what we need more of in our society.
I good saying to go with this is “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” That’s what maturity is all about.

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