Select a content standard or strand from your area of certification Unpack the s

Select a content standard or strand from your area of certification Unpack the standard, starting with the big part and working backwards to the smallest skills. Identify which skills are prerequisite – student should come with these skills, and which skills will need to be taught Complete the CSOE Unit Plan Overview Download CSOE Unit Plan Overviewtemplate based on that content standard. Note. During the next three weeks, you will fully develop three of the lessons identified in the CSOE Unit Plan Overview template. The objectives you create in the CSOE Unit Plan Overview template should align with the state content standard being taught. Include references and citations consistent with APA style guidelines. Submit the complete template by Sunday. I have attached History–Social Science for California Public Schools standards list in pdf for this assignment. Since the assignment is calling for a content standard in my area of focus, secondary History or government, please make sure the assignment reflects that.

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