Section 1 Briefly (six or seven substantial sentences) identify 5 of the follow

Section 1
Briefly (six or seven substantial sentences) identify 5 of the following terms in well-written paragraphs. Try to cover the standard who, what, why, when, and where, but also most importantly, the significance of each term or person to the history of World War II. Be sure to concentrate on issues of significant and substantial importance to this course.
Mers El Keber
The T-34
Sir Hugh Dowding
Maginot Line
Hans von Seekt
Munich Agreement
Giulio Douhet
The Invasion of Crete
Liberty Ship
Section 2
Answer one (only one!) of the following questions (in about 800 words).
1) Based on your reading of Megargee’s War of Annihilation and other relevant sources, describe and explain the roles race, culture, and ideology played in the German decision to invade the Soviet Union and the conduct of war and genocide on the Eastern Front.
2) Based on your reading of Megargee’s War of Annihilation and other relevant sources, discuss Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union. What was Nazi Germany’s goal in this war? What was its strategy to achieve this goal? Given these goals and strategy, was a German victory over the Soviet Union possible?
Section 3
Answer one (only one!) of the following questions (in about 800 words).
1) Assess Germany’s strategy from the fall of Poland (October 1939) to the end of 1941. Was it logical? Were Germany’s objectives realistic and within the capability of its resources and armed forces? Could Germany have won World War II within this timeframe?
2) On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and sank or damaged much of the United States’ Pacific Fleet. Describe and analyze the sequence of events, strategic thinking, and foreign policy goals that led the Japanese to attack. Focus particularly on the period after 1929. Considering the strategic situation facing Japan and its government’s refusal to withdraw from China and Manchuria and seek a negotiated settlement, was attacking Pearl Harbor a logical strategic decision? Was there a better course Japan could have pursued to achieve its foreign policy goals through military means?
3) World War I is remembered for the blood-soaked stalemate in the trenches. What caused this deadlock? Describe the changes in warfare between 1918 and 1939 that made Germany’s Blitzkrieg possible. What was the Blitzkrieg and what were its limitations? How did it solve the problems of the WWI battlefield? Why did the Germans adopt it and why were they its most successful practitioners through most of World War II? What other strategic and technological avenues did major powers pursue (particularly Great Britain and the United States) in seeking to avoid another deadlocked land war?
4) Hitler acheived Nazi Germany’s early foreign policy successes with a minimum of bloodshed and armed resistance. How was this possible? Describe and explain Hitler’s foreign policy from 1934 to the outbreak of war with Britain and France. Why did Britain and France pursue a policy of appeasement? What made them abandon appeasement? Considering the relative strengths of Germany, France, and Britain, should the Allies have declared war on Germany sooner, or did appeasement buy vital time for British rearmament and eventual victory in the Battle of Britain?

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