RESPOND TO THIS POST Britney Dominguez – Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 12:47 AM

Britney Dominguez – Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 12:47 AM
Growing up I was definitely timider than I am now and if this was about five years ago, I would have definitely said I am bold. After having children my temperament has definitely changed into a mixture of timid and bold. I am pretty shy, I do not like meeting people. I actually would prefer people meeting me over me meeting people. I am also an observer so I feel that that plays a big role in my being timid because I like to be able to feel like I trust someone before I can actually befriend them. Before having kids, I was definitely a risk-taker and loved doing new things, but after having kids, my boldness has toned down a bit. I still like taking risks but they are no longer like sky diving, they are more like moving to new countries and adapting to the people around me, which is not really a risk but I feel that it is pretty courageous. I am not very active when I am home unless cleaning constantly counts, but when I do visit other places I am constantly on the move trying to see everything I can. I feel that I am pretty predictable, which is kind of boring, but my life revolves around my kids and I have them on a schedule, if anything the only thing that may be slightly unpredictable is if I eat lunch at a set time. I definitely like to approach new things, but when it comes to food it definitely depends on the item. My time in the Navy and as a Navy wife has proven that I can adjust to new situations. I have no poker face so my reactions to things are noticeable right away. Recently I have been more easily agitated than normal, to be honest, I feel that it is because the only time that I have for myself lately is used up with school work, so I haven’t had much of me-time. I am easily distracted, my husband sometimes teases me by telling me that I am like Doug, the dog from the movie UP, because I tend to have “squirrel!” moments. I feel that I am very persistent and my attention span really depends on the activity. If it is something I am interested in I will be more focused than if I am not that interested in the activity. As I have mentioned before, having kids has changed my temperament, especially with the boldness, but I feel it is because now I have the thought of what happens to my kids if I were to pass on my mind which holds me back from doing fun things like sky diving.

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