Research Topic: How the US healthcare system compares to other countries interna

Research Topic: How the US healthcare system compares to other countries internationally
. This assignment is an opportunity for you to explore and present the major topic from the semester that interested you the most. You will develop a paper explaining what your topic is, detailing the history of your topic, the current state of your topic, and what the future holds for your
topic. Although you are focusing on a single topic, make sure to incorporate other key concepts from the course into the paper.
You MUST use at least reputable three sources, other than your textbook
(Note that Wikipedia and advertising material are not considered an acceptable source).
Make sure to cite all sources properly using APA format.
Follow these assignment protocols: Microsoft Word document with 1” margins all around, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and double-spaced work. Failure to follow assignment protocols will result in a 10% loss in possible points. Additionally, papers should be free
from grammatical errors.
Final papers are to be 5 – 7 pages long (not including references or title page).
Full explanation of the topic. Describing what it is, how it is used, and how prevalent it is (if applicable)
Full explanation of the current state of the topic. A technical discussion of the current state
Full explanation of the projected future of the topic (what events are expected to happen, how technology is expected to impact it, how regulations are expected to impact it, etc)
Full explanation of the pertinent history, development, and major events/regulations/advancements that directly impact topic
Complete integration of appropriate topics from the course
Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings.
Used at least 3 acceptable sources, other than the textbook. Sources were acceptable

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