Research Projects/Presentations: You will research one of the topics that appear

Research Projects/Presentations: You will research one of the topics that appears below and prepare a short Power Point presentation based on your research. Follow the steps below:
Step 1. Choose one topic from the following list:
 Same Sex Marriage–Should it remain legal?
 Abortion–Should it remain legal?
 The Death Penalty–Should it continue to be used?
 Death with Dignity–Should doctors be allowed to help terminally ill patients
end their lives?
 Marijuana—Should it be legal for recreational use?
 Immigration—Should undocumented immigrants (people who have entered
the U.S. without proper visas) be allowed to become citizens?
Step 2. Interview at least two people–at least one who is in favor (pro) and at least one who is against (con) the topic question. Record the following information about your interviewees: First name; sex; approximate age; occupation; any background related to the topic. Be sure to include in your paper your opinion(s) about what each person said.
Step 3. Go to the library website and using Points of View Reference Center, locate quotes of no more than 50 words from at least two articles on your topic. The articles should connect in some way to what people said in the interviews. For example, if someone tells you that same-sex marriage is prohibited by religion, find an article that deals with that issue in some way; e.g. how many people in the U.S. agree/disagree with the person? What do some religious leaders have to say on the topic? Etc. Each article you use must have proper citation at the foot of each slide.
Step 4. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you summarize your interviews, reading and your opinion(s) on the topic you researched. Use the PowerPoint Guide which you can find on the Contents Page of the website.

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