Research any article related to your topic based on The New Jim Crow: Mass Incar

Research any article related to your topic based on The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.
This process will be similar to the one you used for Enhancement Module #1.
Researching a Topic Using the Pro Quest Database
Go to the Evergreen Valley College Library home page: (Links to an external site.)
Look for the “Find articles” heading. 
Click on “Academic Search Complete”
Note that you may have to login by using your name and student ID # since you are off-campus.
Use various keywords to try different searches and to locate articles about your topic in Academic Search Complete.  The more narrow your topic is, the better sources that will come up and that will actually be helpful for you. Once you’ve selected and read a useful article, compose the following:
An MLA style citation for the article source as you would list it in your works cited. *
A 125-word (1/2 page) paragraph in which you summarize the article in your own words.
A 125-word (1/2 page) paragraph in which you evaluate the article and support your claims: What have you gained by reading this article? Is the information useful to you in your class work? If so, how? If not, why not? Is this a reliable resource (e.g., Who is the author? Is this a scholarly or a popular resource?)? Is the article well written? Why or why not?**
Repeat steps 1-4 for a second article.
You will submit this assignment as a single document.  At the very least, your assignment will be 2 pages in length, but you may go longer if your summary or evaluation goes over a half-page each.
* for more information about MLA documentation rules, please see here (Links to an external site.).
** for more information about evaluating the reliability of your sources, particularly web pages, please see here (Links to an external site.).
You can find a PDF version of this assignment here
Note: My topic related to Gang Violence across the United States 

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