Research and write a 1,500 text (+/- 10%) word academic research paper on the us

Research and write a 1,500 text (+/- 10%) word academic research paper on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GISs) in law enforcement. Begin with a strong topic sentence. Organize and introduce information in a logical way to lead the reader to a thorough understanding of the subject. Use well-constructed paragraphs as the basic units of organization. Your paper should have a recognizable beginning, middle, and end. Draw a strong conclusion that matches your introduction. Some topics you should cover include (but are not limited to):
What is a GIS?
What different kinds of GISs are there?
How are GISs used in law enforcement today?
How effective are they?
What issues—technical, legal, practical, or other—do they raise?
What is their likely future?
Your paper should contain the following:
APA formatting (omit the abstract)
Title page
Table of Contents
APA-style in-line citations
APA-style references

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