reflection forum posts are your opportunity to engage the authors in more depth

reflection forum posts are your opportunity to engage the authors in more depth and interact with your classmates on the readings. Each forum post will consist of two parts: (1) Your post engaging the readings in a critically reflective way, wherein you note three key learnings and ask one question, and (2) a response to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Your original post should be no more than 500 words.The reflections are on the cumulative readings for the weeks covered. In other words, they are meant to encourage your critical reflection on the readings as a whole.
Subjugated Knowledge and Pragmatism in Experience
Read: Isasi-Diaz, “Mujerista Discourse: A Platform for Latinas’ Subjugated Knowledge,” pp. 44-67 (In Decolonizing Epistemologies: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy, available as an ebook
Read: Tirres, “Decolonizing Religion…” pp. 226-246, (In Decolonizing Epistemologies: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy, available as an ebook in
Spirituality and Theology in Asian American Religious Experience
Read: Nakasone, “Spirituality,” pp. 145-158; and Matsuoka, “Theological Construction,” pp. 159-164 (In Asian American Religious Cultures, Vol. 1, available as an ebook
Practice in Christian Religious Experience
Read: Liebert, “Practice,” pp. 496-514 (ch. 28), (In The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality, available as an ebook
Mysticism in Christian Religious Experience
Read: Perrin, “Mysticism,” pp. 442-458 (ch. 25), (In The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality, available as an ebook
Comments from Customer
you do not need to do the reply to classmate post

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